Areas of research

Main areas of research

  • Riemerella infections in poultry
  • Erysipelas in poultry - pathology, serotyping and epidemiology
  • Respiratory diseases of poultry caused by viruses, including interactions between viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria and environment
  • Salmonella infections in poultry
    • Development and application of molecular methods for subspecies and serovar characterization of S. enterica
    • Antigenic characterization of S. enterica serovar Berta and development of sensitive and specific immunoassays for detection of infections caused by this serovar
    • Clonal transmission of S. enterica
    • Plasmid mediated virulence expression
    • Host specificity and pathogenesis
    • Risk factors
  • Taxonomic, ecological, epidemiological, population genetics, and host-parasite interaction studies of organisms classified with Pasteurellaceae Pohl 1981
  • Immunosuppressive infections in poultry. Pathogenesis and epidemiology, including interactions with other immunosuppressive agents
  • Zoonoses associated with poultry and poultry products
  • Risk factors, transmission, virulence and population genetics of avian E. coli infections
  • Helminth infections in poultry and interactions between the host and combined infections caused by helminths, virus and bacteria
  • Streptococci and enterococci. New old emerging disease agents in poultry and humans
  • Diseases associated with free-range and organic farming systems
  • Diseases in village poultry in developing countries
  • Pathogenesis of valvular endocarditis and studies on antimicrobial therapy using a natural chicken model
  • Genetic characterization of populations of potential pathogenic bacteria during subclinical infections and disease outbreaks in large populations
  • Hatchery - and processing plant hygiene