Visit to Western Australia
As part of the project I visited Western Australia during the period March 1st to March 6th 2008 where I had meetings with:
Dr. Nicky Buller Senior Microbiologist, Animal Health Laboratoires Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth. 6151 WA
Dr Rebecca Vaughan BSc BVMS PhD Candidate Murdoch University & Perth Zoo South Street Murdoch Western Australia
Dr. Kirsty Townsend Divison of Health Sciences School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Murdoch University Perth
visited the Potteroo project at Two Peoples Bay.
During my constructive discussion with Dr. N. Buller I agreed to classify a large collection of Pasteurellaceae the taxonomy of which has remained unsolved. The strain collection seems to include several isolates of interest to the project. Unfortunately Dr. Rebecca Vaughan has stopped sampling of potteroos. However, she agreed to sample animals of interest to the project during her work in Perth Zoo. Paperwork on permissions are in progress. Dr. Kirsty Townsend who has a long tradition for research within Pasteurellaceae agreed to address former colleagues in Asia to generate isolates of P. multocida from haemorrhagic septicaemia. In addition, strain collections previously published on were traced back to the University of Brisbane. Subsequent investigations will show if these strains still exist.