Unnur Bisgaard - CV
Date and place of birth. December 16th. 1947, Reykjavík, Iceland
1970 | Bachelor in Nutrition and Health, Ankerhus College of Nutrition and Health |
1970 | Hospital hygine inspector, Frederiksborg Amts Centralsygehus |
1972-1973 | Domestic science teacher, Ålholmsskolen, Hillerød |
1976-1985 | Domestic science teacher, Ungdomsskolen og Aftenskolen |
1985-1986 | Domestic science advicer, ELRO Randers |
1986-1988 | Reseach assistant, Danish Consumer Protection |
1988-2005 | Energy consultant, NVE |
2005-2011 | Energy consultant, SEAS-NVE |
2012-2017 | Energy Advising by Unnur Bisgaard |