International congress contributions
The possibility of access to international feed-back before publication has always been appreciated and given a high priority. For the same reason you may come across as well presentations not published subsequently as papers under publication.1. Bisgaard, M.Practical aspects of coordinated disease recording by means of laboratory diagnosis related to condemnation results at slaughtering. |
2. K. Piechulla, M. Bisgaard , K.H. Hinz and W. MannheimTaxonomy of hitherto unrecognized Pasteurellaceae commonly encountered in birds. |
3. Bisgaard, M., K. Haaning and G.VellingPoultry borne salmonellosis. Prophylactic measures in the broiler production including bacteriological investigations before and after slaughter. |
4. Bisgaard, M.An age related hemorrhagic disorder in broilers. Etiology, epidemiology and complications associated the syndrome. Poultry Veterinarians Study Group for the E.E.C., pp.1-20, 1982, November 18th-19th, Hotel Imperial, Copenhagen. |
5. Bisgaard, M., R. Mutters and W. MannheimCharacterization of some previously unreported taxa from guinea pigs. International symposium on bacteriology. Gram-negative bacteria of medical and public health importance: taxonomy - identification - application, Lille, France, 1983. (INSERM 1983, 114, 227-244). |
6. Bisgaard, M.Escherichia coli infections in ducks. Serogroups demonstrated among strains isolated from septicaemia and salpingitis, respectively. Presented at the VIIIth International Congress of the World Veterinary Poultry Association, Jerusalem, Israel, August 26-29, 1985. |
7. Nielsen, J.P., M. Bisgaard and K.B. PedersenOccurrence of toxin producing strains of Pasteurella multocida in different mammalian and avian species. |
8. Bisgaard, M., R. Mutters and W. FrederiksenReinvestigations of so called Pasteurella haemolytica obtained from ruminants. Taxonomic and diagnostic consequences. The 4th International Symposium of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2-6, 1986, pp 568-571. |
9. Kjaeldgaard, P., W. Frederiksen and M. BisgaardDesktop computer programme for registration, classification and identification of strains of Pasteurellaceae. 2nd conference on taxonomy and automatic identification of bacteria. Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 29-July 3, 1987. |
10. Dagnæs Hansen, F. and M. BisgaardBiochemical characterization of Pasteurella pneumotropica subspp. and their clinical importance in mice pp. 1 13. |
11. Bisgaard, M.Salmonella combat - and control measures initiated in the Danish broiler industry with special reference to the feed industry, pp. 37-40 in: R.W.A.W. Mulder (Ed.): Prevention and control of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in poultry and poultry meat processing 2. Production and operational hygiene. Proc. FLAIR No. 6 / COST No. 906 meeting, Lab. Cent. Rech. Avicole & Porcine, Ploufragan, France. Novembre 21-23, 1990. |
12. Bisgaard, M., J.E. Olsen, N. Tornø and H.V. KroghVertical transmission of Escherichia coli in chickens. Preliminary observations based upon O-grouping and plasmid profile analysis, pp. 87-95 in: R. Ducatelle, F. Haesebrouck and R.W.A.W. Mulder (Eds.): Prevention and control of potentially pathogenic organisms in poultry and poultry meat processing 3. Salmonella colonization in poultry. |
13. Dagnæs-Hansen, F., R. Pfister and M. BisgaardOtitis media in mice with severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) caused by an atypical Pseudomonas bacteria. |
14. Dagnæs-Hansen, F., L. Nørgård Petersen and M. BisgaardGroup G Streptococcus infection in a nude mouse research colony |
15. Bisgaard, M.Ecology and significance of Pasteurellaceae in animals |
16. Bisgaard, M., Brown, D. J. and Costas, M.Whole cell protein profiling of Actinobacillus-like strains classified as taxon 2 and taxon 3 according to Bisgaard. |
17. Olsen, J.E., D.J. Brown, D.L. Baggesen and M. BisgaardBiochemical and molecular characterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Berta. |
18. Bisgaard, M.A voluntary salmonella control programme for the broiler industry implemented by the Danish Poultry Council. |
19. Olsen, J.E., D.J. Brown, D.L. Baggesen and M. BisgaardBiochemical and molecular characterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Berta and comparison of methods for typing. International Symposium on Salmonella and salmonellosis (WVPA), Ploufragan/Saint-Brieuc, France, September 15-17, 1992, pp. 41-42. |
20. Christensen, J.P., J.E. Olsen, H.C. Hansen, and M. BisgaardCharacterization of Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovars Gallinarum and Pullorum by plasmid profiling, biochemichal analysis and ribosomal RNA gene restriction patterns. |
21. Baggesen, D.L., D.J. Brown, K. Gaarslev, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardCharacterization of Danish isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis by phage typing and plasmid profiling. Comparison of strains obtained form man and broilers. |
22. Bisgaard, M.Salpingitis in web-footed birds. Prevalence, etiology and possible pathogenesis. |
23. Christensen, J.P., K.-H. Hinz and M. BisgaardSalmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar gallinarum in layers. Epidemiological investigations of a recent outbreak in Denmark. |
24. Nielsen, B., H.C. Hansen, T. Ambrosen and M. BisgaardSalmonella control programmes for broilers and layers in Denmark. |
25. Bisgaard, M., B. Nielsen, D.J. Brown, H.C. Hansen and D.L. BaggesenPrevalence of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in Danish Poultry. |
26. Bisgaard, M.Salmonella control programmes for broilers and layers in Denmark. |
27. Christensen, J.P., M.N. Skov, K.-H. Hinz and M. BisgaardSalmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar gallinarum in layers. Epidemiological investigations of a recent outbreak in Denmark, pp. 49-53 in: Franchini, A. and Mulder R. W. A. W. (Eds.). Consequences of the zoonosis order: monitoring, methodology and data registration, University of Bologne, 14th-16th October, 1993. Proceedings of a FLAIR/COST action No. 6/906 meeting. |
28. Bisgaard, M. and H.C. HansenLimitations of a national salmonella monitoring programme dependent upon examination of cloacal swabs which should enable detection of infection levels of one per cent or greater, pp. 39-48 in: Franchini, A. and Mulder, R. W. A. W. (Eds.). Consequences of the zoonosis order: monitoring, methodology and data registration, University of Bologne, 14-16th October, 1993. Proceedings of a FLAIR/COST action No. 6/906 meeting. |
29. Olsen, J.E., D.J. Brown, S. Aabo and M. BisgaardMolecular bacterial typing methods and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) applied to the control of zoonotic bacteria. |
30. Christensen, J.P., J.E. Olsen, M.N. Skov and M. BisgaardApplication of newer typing methods to Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum and their use in the epidemiological investigation of a recent Danish outbreak of fowl typhoid. Oral abstract. Proceedings of III IMBEM, 3rd International Meeting on Bacteriological Markers, 6th-9th April 1994, Cambridge, England, p. 54. |
31. Jørgensen, P.H., L. Otte, O.L. Nielsen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the epidemiology and economical impact of chicken anemia virus infection in Danish broilers and broiler breeders. |
32. Bisgaard, M.Taxonomy of the HPA group. Abstract book p. 16. Keynote talk 1 (Invited paper). |
33. Angen, Ø., J.E. Olsen, W. Frederiksen and M. BisgaardComparison of DNA from organisms classified with the 3rd taxon of [Pasteurella] haemolytica or [P.] haemolytica sensu stricto. |
34. Larsen, H.E., D.L. Baggesen, D.J. Brown, J.E. Olsen, and M. BisgaardUse of epidemiological markers in control of Salmonella enterica in poultry farms. |
35. Christensen, J.P., P.A. Barrow, J.E. Olsen, D.J. Brown and M. BisgaardRFLP variation in Salmonella Gallinarum virulence plasmids and their effect on virulence. Oral abstract. |
36. Bisgaard, M., M.N. Skov and Ø. AngenHuman pathogens associated with poultry production. Overview on factors involved. Symposium on Animal Husbandry and Human Diarrhoea at the 7th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Vienna, Austria, March 26th-30th, 1995. Abstract 649 p.126. |
37. Chriel, M., Ø. Angen, M.N. Skov and M. BisgaardSalmonella in broiler flocks - three statistical methods to approach a biological problem. |
38. Brown, D.J., H.B. Hansen, J.E. Olsen, M. Madsen and M. BisgaardThe identification of critical control points in broiler chicken production by the use of epidemiological markers, pp. 35-36 in: Poultry products microbiology, European regulations, and quality assurance systems. Proceedings of the XII European symposium on the quality of poultry meat and the VI European symposium on the quality of eggs and egg products, 25th-29th September 1995, Zaragoza, Spain, edited by R. C. Briz. |
39. Brown, D.J., M. Madsen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardAutomated catching machines, transport crates, and crate washing facilities as risk factors associated with the incidence og Salmonella enterica in broiler chicken production. |
40. Ojeniyi, B., H.C. Wegener and M. BisgaardListeria monocytogenes in Danish broiler production. Studies on prevalence and epidemiology. |
41. Bisgaard, M., J.E. Olsen og J.P. ChristensenZoonoser med relation til fjerkræproduktionen. |
42. Olsen, J.E., D.J. Brown, J.P. Christensen, M.N. Skov og M. BisgaardMolekylære metoder til karakterisering af smitstoffer og eftersporing af disse i fjerkræproduktionen. |
43. Skov, M.N., Ø. Angen, M. Chriel, J.F. Agger og M. BisgaardEvaluering af data opsamlet i AM-databasen samt kortlægning af risikofaktorer af betydning for bekæmpelse af S. enterica i slagtekyllingeproduktionen baseret på eksisterende datasæt. |
44. Brown, D.J., M. Madsen og M. BisgaardFangemaskiner som risikofaktorer i forbindelse med forekomst af S. enterica i slagtekyllingeproduktionen. |
45. Brown, D.J., M. Madsen og M. BisgaardTransportkasser og kassevask som risikofaktorer i forbindelse med forekomst af S. enterica i dansk slagtekyllingeproduktion. |
46. Brown, D.J., H.B. Hansen, J.E. Olsen, M. Madsen og M. BisgaardSammenhæng mellem forekomst af S. enterica i slagtekyllingeflokke, på slagtelinien og i færdigvarer belyst ved epidemiologiske markører og brug af disse til udpegning af kritiske kontrolpunkter. |
47. Christensen, J.P., D.J. Brown, J.E. Olsen og M. BisgaardS. enterica serovar Tennessee i dansk slagtekyllingeproduktion. Undersøgelser af epidemiologiske sammenhænge. |
48. Brown, D.J., D.L. Baggesen, M. Madsen og M. BisgaardS. enterica serovar Typhimurium fagtype 12. Forekomst hos slagtekyllinger og smittemæssig sammenhæng til dansk svineproduktion. |
49. Brown, D.J., J.P. Christensen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardForekomst af S. enterica serovar Virchow i dansk slagtekyllingeproduktion. Kortlægning af smittemæssige sammenhænge. |
50. Ojeniyi, B., J.P. Christensen, J.E. Olsen og M. BisgaardForekomst af Listeria monocytogenes i dansk slagtekyllingeproduktion. Epidemiologiske undersøgelser. |
51. Bisgaard, M.Interaction between ethical, commercial and safety aspects within modern poultry production. |
52. Jensen, H.E., J.P. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and O.L. NielsenA pathological and immunohistochemical study of aspergillosis in poults. |
53. Angen, Ø., D. Caugant, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardPolyphasic characterization of organisms within the [Pasteurella] haemolytica-complex. |
54. Bisgaard, M.Serovars of Salmonella enterica demonstrated in Danish broilers. Factors of significance in controling the infections, p. 3 in: Abstracts from 51. Fachgespräch über Geflügelkrankheiten. Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft. Hannover, 31.10-01.11. 1996. |
55. Christensen, J.P., P.A. Barrow, J.E. Olsen, D.J. Brown and M. BisgaardThe characterization of a naturally occurring RFLP variant of the Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar gallinarum virulence plasmid associated with reduced virulence in chickens. |
56. Chadfield, M.S., A. Permin and M. BisgaardInvestigation of the parasitic nematode Ascaridia galli as a potential vector for salmonella dissemination in poultry. |
57. Chadfield, M.S., M.N. Skov, J.P. Christensen, M. Madsen and M. BisgaardAn epidemiological study of Salmonella enterica serovar 4, 12:b:- in Denmark. |
58. Skov, M.N., Ø. Angen, M. Chriél, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardRisk factors associated with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection in Danish broiler flocks. |
59. Chadfield, M.S., J.P. Christensen, M.Madsen and M. BisgaardApplication of molecular methods for identification of strains classified as Salmonella enterica serovar 6, 7:-:- by conventional serotyping pp. 24 in proceedings from a COST Action 97 Workshop on Molecular Epidemiology of Campylobacter and Salmonella, National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, April 23-26, 1997. |
60. Permin, A., M. Bojesen, P. Nansen, M. Bisgaard, F. Frandsen og M. PearmanAscaridia galli populations in chickens following single infections with different dose levels. |
61. Bisgaard, M., J.P. Christensen and K.D. PetersenDiversity of the Pasteurella multocida complex and its significance in relation to epidemiology and pathogenesis. |
62. Ebbesen, J.M., J.P.Christensen, K. Jørgensen and M. BisgaardHelicobacter pullorum, a new pathogen affecting poultry and humans. |
63. Christensen, J.P., M. Madsen and M. BisgaardCharacterization of Pasteurella multocida isolates from two epornitics of avian cholera in Denmark and the possible role of wild birds in the transmission of cholera to commercial poultry. Proceedings from the XIth World Veterinary Poultry Association Int. Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 18-22 August, 1997. |
64. Petersen, K.D., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the existence of so-called maltose positive Pasteurella multocida and their significance in avian medicine. |
65. Christensen, J.P. and M. BisgaardCharacterization of Escherichia coli isolates obtained from haemorrhagic septicemia related conditions in turkeys. |
66. Ojeniyi, B., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardPrevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in a turkey processing plant and in turkey products. |
67. Blackall, P.J., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardHorses for Courses. |
68. Ojeniyi, B., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardCharacterization of isolates of Listeria monocytogenes from the processing line of a turkey processing plant by pulsed field gel electrophoresis and random amplification of polymorphic DNA. |
69. Bisgaard, M.Mulige sammenhænge mellem regelgrundlag, frivillige handlingsplaner og opnåede resultater på fjerkræområdet, 6 pp. |
70. Muhairwa, A.P., M.M.A. Mtambo, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on disease status of scavenging poultry in Morogoro, Tanzania, and the significance of detailed characterization of pathogens obtained. |
71. Permin, A. and M. BisgaardA general review on some important diseases in free range chickens. |
72. Permin, A. and M. BisgaardForekomst af parasitter i dansk fjerkræ. |
73. Christensen, J.P., K.D. Petersen, A.P. Muhairwa and M. BisgaardFjerkræpasteurellose – et udendørsproblem. |
74. Petersen, K.D., H. Christesen, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the genetic relationship between subspecies of Pasteurella multocida as demonstrated by ribotyping and 16S rRNA sequencing. |
75. Christensen, H., R. Mutters, K. Piechulla and M. BisgaardPhylogenetic relationship among phenotypes of avian isolates classified as Pasteurella haemolytica or Actinobacillus salpingitidis with proposal of Salpingitia gen. nov. |
76. Bisgaard, M., H. Christensen and Ø. AngenStudies on the phylogenetic relationship of equine isolates classified as Actinobacillus sensu stricto. |
77. Blackall, P., Ø. Angen, N. Fegan, L. Blackall, R. Mutters and M. BisgaardIsolation and characterization of Mannheimia sp. from Australian feedlot cattle. |
78. Christensen, J.P., S. Aabo, M.S. Chadfield, B. Carstensen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardThe development of an in vivo model for the study of intestinal invasion of Salmonella enterica in chickens. |
79. Blackall, P.J. and M. BisgaardFrom HAP to HAPLM-the everchanging Pasteurellaceae. |
80. Blackall, P.J., Ø. Angen, N. Fegan, L.L. Blackall, R. Mutters and M. BisgaardThe Bovine Nostril Organism – a novel Mannheimia sp. from cattle. |
81. Permin, A., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardThe interaction between Ascaridia galli and Escherichia coli infections in chickens. |
82. Christensen, J.P., D.J. Brown, J.E.Olsen and M. BisgaardCharacaterization of E. coli isolates originating from a Danish broiler parent flock during a longitudinal study. |
83. Chadfield, M.S., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardComparative investigations of selected E. coli isolates for demonstration of cell-association in the chicken intestine and in vitro epithelial cell cultures. |
84. Christensen, H., M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenTaxonomy of taxon 9 of Bisgaard isolated from diseased horses and proposal of Actinobacillus hippicus sp. nov. |
85. Permin, A., S. Rasmussen, G. Hørning and M. BisgaardThe effect of natural parasite infections in chickens on subsequent Newcastle disease vaccinations. |
86. Bisgaard, M., H. Christensen, G. Foster and J.P. ChristensenPhylogenetic relatedness of avian taxa of Pasteurellaceae. Diagnostic and epidemiologic implications. |
87. Bojesen, A.M., M. Thorpdahl, H. Christensen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardPrevalence and clonal diversity of Actinobacillus salpingitidis/Pasteurella haemolytica-like bacteria in chickens from different production systems. |
88. Christensen, J.P., T.K.Jensen, S. Kabell and M. BisgaardIntestinal invasion of Pasteurella multocida investigated by in vivo chicken intestinal loop model and in situ hybridization. |
89. Permin, A., C. Dall, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardThe effect of simultaneous infections of Ascardia galli and Pasteurella multocida on free range chickens. |
90. Bisgaard, M., H.Christensen and J.E.OlsenProblems related to the naming of new taxa of Pasteurellaceae. |
91. Christensen, H., M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenPhylogeny within Pasteurellaceae based on 16S rRNA and housekeeping gene DNA sequence. |
92. Christensen, H., M. Bisgaard, Ø. Angen and J.E. OlsenFinal classification of Bisghaard taxon 9 as Actinobacillus hippicus sp. nov. and A. arthritidis sp. nov., and description of a new genospecies of A. lignieresii from horses. |
93. Christensen, H., B. Aalbæk, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenReclassification of Bisgaard taxon 33 with proposal of Avibacterium amazonae gen.nov., sp. nov. as a new member of Pasteurellaceae. |
94. Aalbæk, B., H. Christensen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardReclassification of Bisgaard taxon 37 with proposal of Psittacella melopsittaci gen. nov., sp. nov. |
95. Bojesen, A.M., M. Torpdahl, H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenClonal diversity of haemolytic Salpingitidifex spp. in chickens representling different production systems. |
96. Christensen, H., M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenRevised phylogeny of Pasteurellaceae by 16S rRNA and house-keeping gene sequence analysis and impact on host association. |
97. Bisgaard, M., H. Christensen and J.E. OlsenTaxonomic changes within Actinobacillus sensu stricto. |
98. Christensen, H., J.E.Olsen and M. BisgaardGenotypical homogeneity among phenotypic variants of Pasteurella multocida, biovars 2 of P. canis and P. avium and isolates misclassified as P. anatis. |
99. Christensen, H., B. Aalbæk, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenReclassification of Bisgaard taxon 33 with proposal of Avibacterium amazonae gen. nov., sp. nov. as a new member of Pasteurellaceae. |
100. Bojesen, A.M., M. Torpdahl, H. Christensen, J.E. Olsen and M. Bisgaard.Genomic diversity of Gallibacterium anatis in chicken flocks representing different production systems. |
101. Bojesen, A.M., H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard, O.L. Nielsen and J.E. OlsenDetection of Gallibacterium (Pasteurella anatis, [Actinobacillus] salpingitidis and [P.] haemolytica-like organisms) in chickens by fluorescent 16S rRNA in situ hybridization. |
102. Christensen, J.P., A.M. Bojesen, T.K. Jensen and M. BisgaardQuantitative investigations of in vivo invasion of Pasteurella multocida using a chicken intestinal loop model. |
103. Larsen, J., H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenDistribution of the leukotoxin gene (lktA) in Mannheimia species isolated from different animal hosts. |
104. Christensen, H., M. Bisgaard and J.E.OlsenRevised phylogeny of Pasteurellaceae based on 16S rRNA and house-keeping gene sequence comparisons. |
105. Chadfield, M.S., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardClonality of a new avian streptococcal sp. isolated from a disease outbreak in chickens associated with a high prevalence of endocarditis in broiler parents 6th ASM Conference on Streptococcal Genetics. |
106. Jørgensen, P.H., K.J. Handberg, S. Kabell, P. Johannsen and M. BisgaardAn outbreak of infectious bursal disease in six to twelve days old broiler chickens. |
107. Chadfield, M.S., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardCharacterization and identification of streptococcal and enterococcal isolates from disease outbreaks in broiler and broiler parent flocks associated with septicaemia and endocarditis. |
108. Bojesen, A.M., K.D. Petersen, O.L. Nielsen, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardPasteurella multocida infection in heterophil-depleted chickens and turkeys. |
109. Chadfeld, M.S., J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardCharacterization and identification of enterococcal strains nolated from disease outbreaks in broiler flocks characterized by increased mortality due to septicaemia and endocarditis and or altered production parameters. |
110. Christensen, J.P., M.S. Chadfield and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the clonality of E. coli infections in industrial poultry production. |
111. Chadfield, M.S., J.P. Christesen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigation on the clonality of Streptococcus gallinaceus isolated from an outbreak of septicaemia associated with a high prevalence of endocarditis in a flock of broiler parents. |
112. Eigaard, N., A. Permin, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardCharacterization and identification of enterococci and streptococci isolated from table-egg layers in Denmark. Oral presentation. Ibid page 229 (Abstract No. 050-281) |
113. Bojesen, A.M., H. Christensen, O.L. Nielsen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardDetection of Gallibacterium spp. In chickens by fluoressent 16S rRNA in situ hybridization. |
114. Bojesen, A.M., H. Christensen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardTaxonomy of the new bacterial genus Gallibacterium including the former “Pasteurella haemolytica- Actinobacillus salpingitidis – Pasteurella anatis” complex. ANECA Symposium, April 28 - May 1st, 2004, Ixtapa, Zihuantanejo, Mexico. |
115. Christensen, H., J. Larsen, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenUse of genomic sequences of members of the bacterial family Pasteurellaceae for investigation of phylogeny, pathogenicity and host associations. |
116. Bojesen, A.M., H. Christensen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardTaxonomy of the new bacterial genus Gallibacterium including the former avian Pasteurella haemolytica – Actinobacillus salpingitidis – P. anatis complex. |
117. Christensen, H., M. Bisgaard, M. Fink and J.E. OlsenClassification and description of new taxa of Pasteurellaceae associated with Muridae and proposal of a new genus Muribacterium gen. nov. |
118. Pedersen, T., M. Vaneechoutte, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenIdentification of potential faecal contamination markers of coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms isolated from chicken feed using tRNA intergenic length polymorphism analysis (tDNA-PCR). |
119. Bisgaard, M., H. Christensen, A.M. Bojesen and J.P. ChristensenAvian infections caused by Pasteurellaeae. An update. |
120. Otim, M.O., G. M. Mukiibi, E. Kabagambe, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardA prospective study of risk factors for Newcastle disease in rural free-range chickens. Oral presentation. |
121. Chadfield, M., J.P.Christensen and M. BisgaardDemonstration of clonality and virulence traits associated with Escherichia coli clinical outbreaks in turkey flocks. Oral presentation. |
122. Fink, M., M. Chadfield, J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the etiology and epidemiology of amyloid arthropathy in hickens in Denmark. Oral presentation. |
123. Eigaard, N.M., A. Permin, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardCharacterization and identification of enterococci and streptococci isolated from table-egg layers in Denmark. |
124. Kabell, S., K.J. Handberg and M. BisgaardImpact of coccidia and vv IBDV on the distribution of IBD vaccine virus in lymphoid tissues of chickens. |
125. Otim, M.O., G.M. Mukiibi, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardImmune response to Newcastle disease vaccination of free-range village chickens experimentally immunosuppressed by alfatoxin or infectious bursal disease virus. Oral presentation. |
126. Petersen, A., J.P. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenVertical transmission of a fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli clone within an integrated broiler operation. |
127. Chadfield, M., A.M. Bojesen, J.P. Christensen, J. Juhl-Hansen, S.S. Nielsen and M. BisgaardExperimental reproduction of endocarditis in chickens with Streptococcus and Enterococcus spp. |
128. Købke, B., N.M. Eigaard, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on clonality and stability of clones of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in turkeys and free range layer flocks affected by erysipelas. |
129. Holm, A., J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the etiology and epidemiology of the clubbed down syndrome in chickens. |
130. Bojesen, A.M. and M. BisgaardClusters of the Bisgaard taxon 2 and 3 complex demonstrate host specificity. |
131. Chadfield, M., J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardOccurrence of Streptococcus gallolyticus ssp. gallolyticus (S. bovis) septicaemia in broilers. |
132. Pedersen, T.B., M. Vaneechoutte, S.S. Nielsen, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardInvestigation on the use of coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms as indicators of Salmonella in commercial poultry feed. |
133. Olsen, J.E., M. Bisgaard, P. Kuhnert and H. ChristensenThe current state of Pasteurellaceae systematics. Pasteurelaceae 2005, ASM in collaboration with the International Pasteurellaceae Society and American Socicty for Microbiology, Hawaii, October 23-26, 2005. |
134. Christensen, H., P. Kuhnert, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardTaxonomy of Pasteurellaceae. An update. |
135. Christensen, H., P. Kuhnert, A. Bojesen, H. Busse and M. BisgaardClassification of taxon 2 and 3 of Bisgaard with Pasteurellaceae. |
136. Christensen, H., P. Kuhnert, B.M. Korczak, M. Fink and M. BisgaardClassification and description of four new taxa of Pasteurellaceae associated with Muridae and proposal of a new genus Muribacterium gen. nov. |
137. Kuhnert, P. M. Korczak, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardPhenotypic and genetic reinvestigations of Actinobacillus capsulatus strains clearly show that this taxon belongs to Actinobacillus sensu stricto. |
138. Bojesen, A.M., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenIdentification of host-specific subclones within Mannheimia varigena. |
139. Bisgaard, M., P. Kuhnert, J.E. Olsen and H. ChristensenInvestigations on the existence of phenotypic criteria for separation of 16S rRNA clusters A and B of Pasteurella multocida. |
140. Blackall, P.J., A.M. Bojesen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardProposal for reclassification of [Pasteurella] trehalosi at genus level based on phenotypic and genotypic comparisons. |
141. Bojesen, A.M., H. Christensen and M. BisgaardHost specific bacterial lineages of the taxon 2 and 3 complex of Pasteurellaceae demonstrated by amplified fragment length polymorphism. |
142. Bojesen, A.M. and M. BisgaardHost adapted clonal lineages of Mannheimia granulomatis. |
143. Larsen, J., A.G. Pedersen, H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard, Ø. Angen, P. Ahrens and J.E. OlsenEvolution of the leucotoxin operon in genus Mannheimia. |
144. Chadfield, M.S., J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen, A.M. Bojesen and M. BisgaardEnterococcus hirae infections in chickens. In vitro characterization and in vivo reproduction of infection. |
145. Christensen, J.P., M.S. Chadfield, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardThe intestinal tract as a port of entry in bacterial infections in poultry. |
146. Bisgaard, M.APEC: Observations on clonality, antibiotic resistance, virulence traits and transmission. |
147. Petersen, A., F. Aarestrup, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenFitness costs of antimicrobial resistance associated with chromosomal mutations and plasmid borne resistance genes in Escherichia coli: In vitro and in vivo studies. |
148. Blackall, P.J., A.M. Bojesen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardReclassification of Pasteurella trehalosi as Bibersteinia trehalosi gen. nov., comb. nov. |
149. Byarugaba, D.K., U.M. Minga, P.S. Gwakisa, E.R. Katunguka, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenOccurrence, isolation and characterization of Av. paragallinarum from poultry in Uganda. |
150. Bisgaard, M.To forskellige verdener, eller deler producenter og forskere samme problemer/udfordringer, og har de en fælles passion? Retro- og prospektive tanker før spisetid. |
151. Pors, S.E., M.S. Chadfield, D.B. Sørensen, H. Offenberg, M. Bisgaard and H.E. JensenA murine model of Pasteurella multocida pneumonia. |
152. Pors, S.E., M.S. Chadfield, D. Bratbo Sørensen, M. Bisgaard and H.E. JensenA murine model of porcine Pasteurella multocida pneumonia. |
153. Bertelsen, M.F., A.M. Bojesen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardPrevalence and genetic characterization of Pasteurellaceae isolated form captive psittacine birds. |
154. Henriksen, M., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenInflucence of the ionophore salinomycin on detection of Clostridium perfringens by PCR in DNA extracted from the gastrointestinal tract of chickens. |
155. Christensen, H., M.S. Chadfield, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardAvian enterococci and streptococci – new or old emerging pathogens representing major diagnostic problems. |
156. Petersen, A., H. Christensen and M. BisgaardInvestigations on the existence of a global clone of Enterococcus faecalis associated with amyloid arthropathy in chickens. |
157. Bortolaia, V., L. Guardabassi, M. Bisgaard and A.M. BojesenResistant Escherichia coli in Danish broiler flocks. |
158. Bisgaard, M., J.P. Christensen, A.M. Bojesen and H. ChristensenAvibacterium endocarditidis sp. nov., a new species of Pasteurellaceae isolated from valvular endocarditis in chickens. |
159. Christensen, H., B.M. Korczak, P. Kuhnert, H.-J. Busse, A.M. Bojesen and M. BisgaardFive new species of Gallibacterium – a diagnostic enigma. |
160. Bisgaard, M., A. Petersen, A.M. Bojesen, J.P. Christensen and H. ChristensenHaemorrhagic septicaemia type B associated outbreak of fowl cholera in turkeys. |
161. Christensen, H., P.J. Blackall and M. BisgaardNew V-factor requiering species/taxa of Pasteurellaceae obtained form lesions in different species of birds. |
162. Bisgaard, M., A. Petersen and H. ChristensenPopulation structure of Pasteurella multocida epizootics in the avifauna in Scandinavia and possible relationship with P1059 as demonstrated by MLST. |
163. Bisgaard, M., L. Hedegaard, M.S. Chadfield, J.P. Christensen and H. ChristensenStreptococcus pluranimalium – a new avian pathogen. |
164. Bisgaard, M., L. Hedegaard, A. Petersen, H. Christensen, J.P. Christensen and M.S. ChadfieldGenetic diversity and persistence of Enterococcus faecalis obtained from different |
165. J.P. Christensen, M. Bisgaard, N.M. Eigaard and A. PerminLongitudinal studies on causes of mortality in free-range chickens in Denmark. |
166. Bisgaard, M., R. Günther and H. ChristensenFurther investigations on the involvement of taxon 14 in upper respiratory tract infections and blepharoconjunctivitis in turkeys. |
167. Bisgaard, M., K.-P. Behr and H. ChristensenA new Species of Neisseria associated with respiratory distress in turkeys. |
168. Günther, R., H. Christensen and M. BisgaardBlepharokonjunctivitis bei Puten – neuere Untersuchungen zur möglichen Bedeutung von Taxon 14. |
169. Bortolaia, V., L. Guardabassi, M. Bisgaard, M. Trevisani and A.M. BojesenQuinolone and β-lactam-resistance in Escherichia coli from Danish and Italian broiler flocks. |
170. Larsen, J., M.S. Chadfield, H.C. Schønheyder, A.M. Bojesen, J.P. Christensen and M. BisgaardChicken model of Enterococcus faecalis native-valve endocarditis. |
171. Larsen, J., M.S. Chadfield, H.C. Schønheyder and M. BisgaardClonality of Enterococcus faecalis isolates from infective endocarditis patients at a Danish hospital. |
172. Pors, S.E., J. Nielsen, M. Bisgaard and H.E. JensenThe impact of immunosuppression on porcine pneumonia caused by Pasteurella multocida. |
173. Bisgaard, M., A. Petersen, A.M. Bojesen, J.P. Christensen and H. ChristensenExperiences to be gained from clinical observations of fowl cholera and MLST-typing of Pasteurella multocida. |
174. Bisgaard, M., A. Petersen, A.M. Bojesen, J.P. Christensen and H. ChristensenField observations and experimental studies on the pathogenic potential of small colony variants of Pasteurella multocida. |
175. Günther, R., H. Christensen, A.M. Bojesen and M. BisgaardCharacterization of taxon 14 isolates involved in upper respiratory tract infections and blepharoconjunctivitis in turkeys. |
176. Pors, S.E., J. Nielsen, M. Bisgaard and H.E. JensenLocalisation of Pasteurella multocida in experimentally infected, immunosuppressed pigs. |
177. Pors, S.E., T. Iburg, M.S. Hansen, O.L. Nielsen, M. Bisgaard and H.E. JensenInflammatory reactions in lung tissue of pigs infected with Pasteurella multocida : an immunohistochemical study. |
178. Kokotovic, B., M. Bisgaard and Ø. AngenGenomic diversity among Actinobacillus lignieresii and Actinobacillus genomospecies 1 isolates. |
179. Bisgaard, M., A. Petersen and H. ChristensenInvestigations on the existence of major phylogenetic lines within Pasteurella multocida as demonstrated by MLST, rpoB sequencing and 16S rRNA based PCR. |
180. Bojesen, A.M., J. Larsen, A.G. Pedersen and M. BisgaardSpecific clones of Mannheimia granulomatis has adapted to different hosts and niches within their hosts. |
181. Gregersen, R.H., C. Neubauer, H. Christensen, A.M. Bojesen, M. Hess and M. BisgaardChelonobacter oris gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the Pasteurellaceae. |
182. Christensen, H., P. Kuhnert, B.M. Korczak, J.E. Olsen and M. BisgaardEvaluation of the possibilities for naming of “Muribacter” gen. nov. including “Muribacter rattus” sp. nov. |
183. Petersen, A., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenDevelopment of a MLST typing scheme for Mannheimia haemolytica. |
184. Bojesen, A.M., B.M. Kristensen, J.D. Boyce, E. Soriano-Vargas, S. Ramíres, M. Bisgaard and B. AdlerIdentification and characterization of the capsule biosynthetic locus in Gallibacterium anatis biovar haemolytica. |
185. Petersen, A., H. Christensen and M. BisgaardMutations in gyrA and parC in Pasteurella multocida with decreased sensitivity to enrofloxacin. |
186. Kjældgaard, P., H. Christensen, B. Aalbæk and M. BisgaardTaxon 10, a potential pathogen associated with infected horse bite wounds. |
187. Günther, R., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenPasteurella multocida ssp. assoziirte Erkrankung in einem Mastputenbestand – ein Fallbericht. |
188. Bisgaard, M.Kronisk deformerende ledbetændelse (amyloid arthropati), en potentiel risiko af produktionsøkonomisk betydning i kølvandet på øget 1. uges dødelighed. |
189. Günther, R., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenUnusual outbreak of Pasteurella multocida ssp. septica in a turkey flock. WPSA 5th International Symposium on Turkey Production. |
190. Gregersen, R.H., A.M. Bojesen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardMolecular characterization of APEC – a precondition for proper understanding and handling of outbreaks. |
191. Bisgaard, M.Zaka, Äenia drobiu wywolane przez bakterie z rodziny Pasteurellaceae – nowe postrzeganie starej choroby (Pasteurella and Pasteurella- like infections in poultry). |
192. Petersen, A., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenDetection of Enterococcus faecalis ST82 associated with amyloid arthropathy by real-time PCR. |
193. Bisgaard, M., A. Petersen, R.H. Gregersen and H. ChristensenMLST and MLSA of Enterococcus faecalis isolates demonstrating different lesion types in broiler parents. |
194. Santos, T.P., S. Pors, O.L. Nielsen, H. Christensen, A. Petersen, J. Larsen and M. BisgaardDetection of Enterococcus faecalis in chicken tissue sections by fluorescent 16S rRNA in situ hybridization. |
195. Litrup, E., E.M. Nielsen, H. Christensen, S. Nordentoft, R.H. Davis, R. Helmuth and M. BisgaardMultiple/locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA typing) of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimuriuim DT41. |
196. Petersen, A., M. Bisgaard, J. Larsen and H. ChristensenDetection of a well defined clonal lineage of Pasteurella multocida associated with fowl cholera by real-time PCR. |
197. Gregersen, R.H., H. Christensen and M. BisgaardImpact of Nobilis Escherichia coli inac vaccine on parent stock mortality, first week mortality of broilers, and population diversity of E. coli in vaccinated flocks. |
198. Christensen, H. and M. BisgaardCorrelation between sequence aided identification and specific PCR tests reported for serovars and related taxa of Riemerella anatipestifer investigated by phylogenetic relationships of partial rpoB and 16S rRNA gene sequences. |
199. Christensen, J.P. and M. BisgaardEnteric and systemic bacterial diseases of chickens. |
200. Bisgaard, M.Independent disease surveillance – a precondition for understanding disease development in large populations, applied research, and objective advising of the poultry industry. |
201. Bisgaard, M.Escherichia coli infections of poultry. An old disease in a new perspective. |
202. Bortolaia, V., M. Bisgaard and A.M. BojesenDynamics of antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli within the broiler industry. |
203. Blackall, P.J., A. Petersen, Z. Jaglic, M. Bisgaard, S. Subraaharan and H. ChristensenOf champagne, chickens and rabbits: Everything Old is New Again. |
204. Litrup, E., E.M. Nielsen, H. Christensen, S. Nordentoft, R. Davies, R. Helmuth and M. BisgaardMultiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA typing) of Salmonella Typhimurium DT41. Salmonella and Salmonellosis. |
205. Bisgaard, M., R.H. Gregersen and H. ChristensenImproved understanding of diseases associated with potential bacterial pathogens of poultry to be gained from multilocus sequence typing (MLST). |
206. Poulsen, L.L., M. Bisgaard, N.T. Son., N.V. Trung, H.M. An and A. Dalsgaard.High-level gentamicin resistant Enterococcus faecalis isolated from urinary tract infections and poultry in close contact with the patient. |
207. Alispahic, M., H. Christensen, C. Hess, E. Razzazi-Fazeli, M. Bisgaard and M. HessMatrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry identifies Gallibacterium species and reveals clonal lineages between chicken flocks. |
208. Barua, H., J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen, I.L. Lindblom and M. BisgaardDiversity and biological properties of Salmonella Typhimurium DT41 obtained from broiler breeders in Denmark. |
209. Bisgaard, M. and J.P. ChristensenAmyloidosis – an emerging problem in broiler breeders in Denmark. |
210. Bisgaard, M., N. Nørskov-Lauritsen, J. De Wit, C. Hess and H. ChristensenAvibacterium spp., a diagnostic challenge due to horizontal gene transfer? |
211. Bisgaard, M., A.M. Bojesen, M.R. Petersen and H. ChrisensenHorses, an overlooked risk factor for serious Streptococcus equi ssp. zooepidemicus infections in free range chickens. |
212. Munch, M.E., R.H. Olsen, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenTransmission of Enterococcus faecalis among layer chickens during hatch |
213. Lund, V.P., N. C. Kyvsgaard, M. Bisgaard and J. P. ChristensenPrevalence of dead-on-arrival (DOA) broilers and pathological manifestations observed at a Danish abattoir. |
214. Olsen, R.H., M. Chadfield, J.P. Christensen, F. Scheutz, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardCharacterization of diversity and virulence traits of Escherichia coli associated with haemorrhagic septicaemia outbreaks in turkeys. |
215. Olsen, R.H., H.-C. Schønheyder, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardVirulence factors of Enterococcus faecalis of human and poultry origin seem to confirm the zoonotic potential of E. faecalis. |
216. Olsen, R.H., N.M. Stockholm, A. Permin, J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardGenetic diversity of Escherichia coli associated with increased mortality in free-range layers concurrently infected with Histomonas meleagridis as demonstrated by plasmid profiling and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). |
217. Pires dos Santos, T.M.S., N. Kyvsgaard, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenDiversity and stability of the genetic population structure of Escherichia coli isolated from broiler production. |
218. Pires dos Santos, T.M.S., N. Kyvsgaard, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenChronic salpingitis and peritonitis in chickens due to Escherichia coli – a possible model for extraintestinal infections in humans. |
219. Roy, K., J.P. Christensen, N.C. Kyvsgaard, A.M. Bojesen, N. Toft and M. BisgaardComparative study on the pathogenicity of wildtype and small colony variant isolates of Streptococcus equi ssp. zooepidemicus in chickens. |
220. Alispahic, M., H. Christensen, C. Hess, E. Razzazi-Fazeli, M. Bisgaard and M. HessApplication of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry profiling to identify Gallibacterium species in clinical diagnostics. |
221. Bisgaard, M. and H. ChristensenClassification of taxon 14, taxon 32 and isolates from kestrels demonstrating satellitic growth with Spirabilibacterium gen. nov. |
222. Larsen, J., H. Christensen, A. G. Pedersen, P. Kuhnert and M. BisgaardEvidence for horizontal gene transfer of the leukotoxin operon from genus Mannheimia to Bibersteinia trehalosi. |
223. Pors, S.E., B.H. Møller and M. BisgaardIn vivo studies of Avibacterium endocarditidis. |
224. Bisgaard, M., M.F. Bertelsen, A.M. Bojesen and H. ChristensenPrevalence of taxa of Pasteurellaceae among healthy captive psittacine birds. |
225. Christensen, H., A. Petersen and M. BisgaardDetection of Pasteurella multocida associated with haemorrhagic septicaemia by real-time PCR. |
226. Olesen, J. K., H. Christensen, M.F. Bertelsen, A. Petersen and M. BisgaardCharacterization and possible host association of Pasteurellaceae-like bacteria isolated from lions, tigers and cheetah. |
227. Christensen, H., L.A. Devriese and M. BisgaardClassification of Bisgaard taxon 29 as Heddlestonia cuniculi gen. nov., sp. nov. |
228. Bisgaard, M., P. Blackall and H. ChristensenPasteurellaceae from Kangaroos form a diverse, but separate phylogenetic lineage. |
229. Christensen, H., M.F. Bertelsen and M. BisgaardPasteurellaceae isolated from red pandas (Ailurus fulgens). |
230. Hansen, M.J., M. F. Bertelsen, H. Christensen, A.M. Bojesen and M. Bisgaard.Prevalence of Pasteurellaceae in the oral cavity of selected marine mamal species and description of a novel genus Otariodibacter oris, gen. nov., sp. nov. |
231. Bisgaard, M. and H. ChristensenClassification of avian haemolytic Actinobacillus-like organisms (Bisgaard taxon 26) associated with anseriforme birds as Actinobacillus anseriformium sp. nov. |
232. Pors, S.E., H.E. Jensen and M. BisgaardComparative studies on pneumonic lesions associated with Pasteurella multocida in pigs and poultry. |
233. Santos, T.P., R.H. Olsen, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenEscherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, new zoonoses associated with poultry. |
234. Christensen, H., T.P. dos Santos, R.H. Olsen and M. Bisgaard.Etude de la transmission des Escherichia coli dans different étages de la filiére volaille. |
235. Bisgaard, M., P.J. Blackall and H. ChristensenNovel members of the family Pasteurellaceae are common in kangaroos. |
236. K. Roy, M. Bisgaard, J.P. Christensen, N.C. Kyvsgaard, O. Lerberg Nielsen, M. Kjelgaard-Hansen, A. M. BojesenInvestigation on the pathogenicity of wild-type and small-colony-variant isolates of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus by different infection routes in chickens. Proceedings of AVMA Convention 2012 in San Diego, USA. |
237. Jakociune, D., M. Bisgaard, K. Pedersen and J.E. OlsenMolecular-epidemiological investigation of Salmonella ser. Tennessee isolated from a suspected case of persistent contamination of a long egg production facility. |
238. Bisgaard, M., S. Pors, R.H. Olsen, A. Petersen and H. ChristensenPopulation diversity of Pasteurella multocida and its impact on prevention strategies. |
239. Olsen, R.H., H. Christensen, S. Kabell and M. BisgaardBacterial pathogens associated with pododermatitis in layers. |
240. Olsen, R.H., H. Christensen, Ø. Angen and M. BisgaardCharacterization of Escherichia coli strains used as autovaccines. |
241. Olsen, R.H., H. Christensen, J.P. Christensen, S. Kabell and M. BisgaardEscherichia coli obtained from outbreaks of salpingitis and peritonitis in layers demonstrate clonality and a primary rather than secondary role. |
242. Olsen, R.H., H. Christensen, B. Robineau, U. Löhren and M. BisgaardComparison of ESBL E. coli obtained from lesions and apparently healthy broiler breeders. |
243. Christensen, H., R. Günther and M. BisgaardPartial sequencing of rpoB separates avian Bordetella spp. |
244. Bisgaard, M., S. Pors, A. Petersen, R.H. Olsen and H. ChristensenHost response in Poulvac Pabac IV vaccinated layers to Pasteurella multocida subsp. septica strains representing different subclusters of the subspecies. |
245. Pors, S., A. Petersen, H. Christensen and M. BisgaardHost response to different phylogenetic lineages of Pasteurella multocida. |
246. Olsen, R.H., H. Christensen, K.-P. Behr and M. BisgaardPasteurella multocida subsp. septica strains demonstrate a high prevalence among fowl cholera autovaccines. |
247. Olsen, R.H., H. Christensen, U. Löhren, B. Robineau and M. BisgaardVertical transmission and characterization of ESBL producing E. coli from poultry. |
248. Christensen, H., N. Nørskov-Lauritsen, J.J. de Witt, C. Hess and M. BisgaardImportance of MLSA for classification of representatives of the genus Avibacterium. |
249. Christensen, H. E. Timsit, S. Adhikary, J. Larsen, M. Bisgaard and J.E. OlsenCRISPR analysis demonstrates differences between clonal isolates of Mannheimia haemolytica from the nose and trachea of the same animal during disease outbreaks. |
250. Christensen, H. and M. BisgaardCytolethal distending proteins predicted in [Haemophilus] haemoglobinophilus and Bisgaard taxon 35 by genomics. |
251. Christensen, H. and M. BisgaardProper identification of Pasteurellaceae from dogs and dog bite wounds can only be obtained by genotypic characterization. |
252. Kuhnert, P., B.M. Korczak, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenFrederiksenia canicola gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Pasteurellaceae isolated from dogs and human dog-bite wounds. |
253. Christensen, H., W. Nicklas and M. BisgaardInfestigation of Pasteurellaceae isolated from Syrian and European hamsters. |
254. Bisgaard. M.Fodbylder- udfordringer og mulige løsninger. |
255. Christensen, H., L.L. Poulsen, C. Nielsen and M. BisgaardLongitudinal study in layer chickens on the stability and persistence of the live Escherichia coli vaccine strain included with POULVAC® applied during hatch. |
256. Poulsen, L.L., M. Bisgaard, I. Thoefner, R.H. Olsen, J.P. Christensen and H. ChristensenStaphylococcus hyicus, a potential pathogen in poultry. |
257. Olsen, R.H., P. Kiilerich, I. Thoefner, L.L. Poulsen, M. Bisgaard, H. Christensen and J.P. ChristensenInvestigation on bacterial diversity and CFU on eggshells of hatching eggs before and after disinfection. |
258. Thoefner, I., L.L. Poulsen, M. Bisgaard, H. Christensen, R. H. Olsen and J.P. ChristensenSystemic reactive amyloidosis – an age related problem of importance in broiler breeders. |
259. Christensen, H., L.L. Poulsen, S.L. Joergensen and M. BisgaardNew probiotic concept (NPC) aiming at limiting spreading of infections in poultry production. |
260. Joergensen, S.L., L. Thorndal, M. Bisgaard, L.L. Poulsen, H.R. Juul-Madsen, and H. ChristensenIntestinal Enterococcus faecalis populations of chickens differ between completely confined, backyard conditions and conventional production. |
261. Olsen, R. H., I. Thoefner, S. Pors, M. Bisgaard, S. Kabell, H. Christensen and J.P. ChristensenStrains of E. coli demonstrate a significant difference in their potential to cause ascending infections in poultry. |
262. Poulsen, L.L., I. Thoefner, M. Bisgaard, J.P. Christensen, R.H. Olsen and H. Christensen.Longitudinal study of vertical transmission of Escherichia coli in broiler production. |
263. Thoefner, I., L.L. Poulsen, M. Bisgaard, H. Christensen, R. H. Olsen and J.P. Christensen.Longitudinal study of mortality observed in four broiler breeder flocks. |
264. Christensen, H., L.L. Poulsen, S.L. Joergensen and M. Bisgaard.New probiotic concept aiming at limiting horizontal transmission of bacterial infections in poultry. |
265. Christensen, H. and M. Bisgaard.Classification of Pasteurellaceae at genus level by whole genome sequence comparison. |
266. Lauritsen, C.V., J. Kjeldgaard, H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and H. Ingmer.Investigation of poultry meat spoilage microbiome by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. |
267. Bisgaard, M., L.L. Poulsen, T. Dideriksen, B. Holten, J.R. Pedersen og H. Christensen.Slagtefjerkræbranchens veterinære udfordringer i 2015. |
268. Poulsen, L.L., S.L. Jørgensen, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenMolecular mechanisms of E. coli causing outbreaks of cellulitis in broilers. |
269. Jørgensen, S.L., L.L. Poulsen, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenComparative genomic analysis of Avian Pathogenic E. coli and human Extra-intestinal Pathogenic E. coli belonging to sequence type 95. |
270. Jørgensen, S.L., L.L. Poulsen, M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenEffect of probiotics on the microbiota and growth of broilers challenged with avian pathogenic E. coli under experimental conditions. |
271. Poulsen, L.L., M. Bisgaard, S.L. Jørgensen and H. ChristensenClonal E. coli from cellulitis in broilers carry specific virulence genes. |
272. Poulsen, L.L., I. Thøfner, M. Bisgaard, R.H. Olsen, J.P. Christensen and H. ChristensenColonization of newly hatched broilers with E. coli. |
273. Pedersen, J.R., T. Dideriksen, B. Holten, H. Christensen, L.L. Poulsen and M. BisgaardField investigations on the impact of E. coli infections and carbon dioxide on the occurrence of ascites syndrome (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)) in broilers. |
274. Poulsen, L.L., M. Bisgaard and H. ChristensenPrevalence of antimicrobial resistant and pathogenic E. coli as a predictor for microbiological chick quality. |
275. Thøfner, I., L.L Poulsen, R. H. Olsen, H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and J.P. ChristensenInfections with Gram positive cocci in broiler breeders – significance and prevalence. |
276. Adhikari, S., M. Bisgaard, F. Dagnæs-Hansen and H. ChristensenClonal outbreaks of [Pasteurella] pneumotropica biovar Heyl in two mice colonies. |
277. Adhikari, S., W. Nicklas, M. Bisgaard, R. Boot, P. Kuhnert, T. Waberschek, B. Aalbæk, B. Korczak and H. ChristensenThe new genus Rodentibacter, including R. pneumotropicus ([Pasteurella] pneumotropica), R. heylii, R. ratti, R. myodis, R. rarus, R. heidelbergensis, R. trehalosifermentans, R. mrazii and two genomospecies, all of importace for identifications of opportunistic pathogens in rodent colonies. |
278. Adhikari, S., W. Nicklas, M. Bisgaard, R. Boot, P. Kuhnert, T. Waberschek, B. Aalbæk, B. Korzak and H. ChristensenRodentibacter gen. nov. including Rodentibacter pneumotropicus comb. nov., Rodentibacter heylii sp. nov., and five more species and two genomospecies. |
279. Poulsen, L.L., S.L. Jørgensen, S. Djordjevic, M. Cummings, C. Wang, J.P. Christensen, H. Christensen, M. Bisgaard and I. ThøfnerInvestigation of genotypic association of E. coli with the manifestations of salpingitis in egg laying hens. |