
Flateyri, September 2011

Flateyri on the bay Önundarfjörð has been a trading post since 1792, and temporarily became a major whaling center in the 19th century. The nature at and near Flateyri is worth exploring. Geologically this is considered to be the oldest part of the West. In October 1995 an avalanche hit the village, destroying 29 homes […]

Dynjandi – Fjallfoss, September 2011

Dynjandi (also known as Fjallfoss) is a set of waterfalls located in Westfjords (Vestfirðir), Iceland. Dynjandi is the collective name, meaning thunderous, for no less than seven waterfalls that tumble down the hillsides of Arnarfjörður. The waterfalls have a cumulative height of 100 metres and has represented the Westfjords’ favourite frontpage model for decades. The […]

Bifröst, September 2011

Bifröst is a small settlement in the valley Nordurárdalur some 30 km north of Borgarnes in western Iceland, in the Mýrasýsla county. Bifrost is village with a population of 200, but during the winter months 600 – 700 people live there. It is the site of Bifröst University, a small private campus university offering degrees […]

Visit to the Westfjords, Iceland, September 2011

We (Markús, Hafdís, Jöri, Björg, Ulrik, Unnur and Magne) took Road 60 along the eastern and northern coastal line of Breiðufjörður (Barðaströnd). After having crossed Vatnsdalsá we went due north crossing Dynjandiheiði to Arnarfjörður and subsequently Hrafnseyrarheiði to Þingeyri and Dýrafjörður. From there we crossed Glemlufallsheiðdi to Önundarfjörður, where we visited Flateyri, before we headed […]

Tjörnuvík, Streymoy

Tjørnuvík is the northernmost village on the Streymoy island. Tjørnuvík is nestled in a deep vally with no other villages in sight. This iconic village has a direct view to the sea stacks Risin & Kellingin (The Giant and the Witch), a must-see spot to visit on the Faroe Islands. A legend tells how, once […]

Saksun, Streymoy

Saksun is a remote little village on the Streymoy island with a unique location placed above a beautiful lagoon, which previously used to form a natural harbor. Unfortunately, it was blocked with sand during a storm. The tide fills up the lagoon with seawater two times every day. At the low tide you can walk […]

Viðareiði, Viðoy

Viðareiði is the northernmost community on Viðoy. Here you really feel close to the Atlantic Ocean. The vicarage, Ónagerdi, is much older than the church. The church silver is a gift from the British government to the Congreation of Viðareiði in acknowledgement of the charity and hospitality shown to the crew of the British bring […]

Christianskirkjan in Klaksvík – Borðoy

Klaksvík Most elderly Danes remember the dispute about the nazi doctor, Olaf Halvorsen, employed as a substitute at the hospital of Klaksvík in 1951. As result of his employment as SS doctor at the East Front, he was excluded from the Danish medical Association and subsequently sacked by the Faroese and Danish authorities in 1955. […]

Gøta kirkja, Eysturoy

Gøtugjógv is a settlement in the Faroe Islands, located on the northeastern Eysturoy towards Gøtuvík, between Norðragøta and Syðrugøta. The new Gøta Church was consecrated on 25 June 1995. Tróndur Patursson has created the artistic decoration. The altarpiece in coloured glass gives the church a special lighting. The baptismal font is blue as the sea […]

Listasavnið á Sandi and Húsavík, Sandoy

Visiting the Art Galleri in Sandur on Sandoy, Listasavnið á Sandi, was also a must. Several years ago, Sofus Olsen decided to build an art gallery in his home village of Sandur to display all the works he has collected during a period of some 50 years. He was born in Sandur, where his family […]

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